What is Oleuropein?
here is a proverb that tells us those who have endured great suffering in the past will be stronger and more resilient in the face of minor troubles. It goes, "Acı patlıcanı kırağı çalmaz," which translates to "Frost does not harm bitter eggplants." This principle of strength through suffering applies equally to olives.
To protect the olive fruit from potential damage by birds, insects, and the tree's leaves, there is a substance so bitter it makes the fruit inedible: "Oleuropein." This compound, found in high amounts in olive leaves and young fruits, is the source of a family of molecules that provide healing properties to olive oil.
Because oleuropein is a polar molecule that decreases as the fruit matures, it must be carefully preserved during olive oil production. This necessitates avoiding the use of water in the production process, a principle strictly adhered to by Ooviva in our commitment to prioritizing health in all our methods and technologies.
Furthermore, when considering oleuropein, it's crucial to emphasize another important point: the role of the olive tree in producing ample oleuropein in its fruit. Many olive oil producers, driven by high profits and focused on rapid, mass production, often make the mistake of prioritizing higher fruit yields. Unfortunately, excessive use of pesticides and cultivation practices aimed at increasing fruit yield can cause the trees to cease producing oleuropein for self-protection, compromising the medicinal properties of the olive.
Therefore, proper timing and frequency of maintenance and pesticide use are crucial to ensure that the olives used for oil production retain their medicinal properties through containing oleuropein. At Ooviva, we take pride in our idealistic approach, meticulously maintaining our commitment to proper cultivation and pest control practices that set our olive oils apart.