Ooviva | Journey of High-Polyphenolic Olive Oil..
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Journey of High-Polyphenolic Olive Oil..
06 EKİM 2022

Journey of High-Polyphenolic Olive Oil..

The olive tree... Symbol of peace, prosperity, wisdom, and purity... Olive oil, extracted from the fruit of the "Immortal Tree" with traces dating back to around 4500 B.C., symbolizes life and eternity...

So, how is the finest olive oil, which is not only healthy and delicious but also miraculously beneficial for our nutrition needs, obtained? For those curious about the answer to this question, our story of high polyphenol content begins!

The right tree, the right garden, the right technique

Olive oil, considered almost an "elixir of life" contains antioxidants and has a distinct aroma depending on the genetic characteristics of the olive tree, the location of its cultivation, and the techniques used to extract the oil.

We know that olive trees absorb energy from the sun, minerals from the soil, and aromatic essences from endemic species in their surroundings, transferring these to their fruit. Therefore, in designing our olive groves, we prioritize creating optimal conditions to achieve the targeted quality and content.

Our Olive Groves Growing in the Light of Knowledge

To achieve desired aroma and antioxidant levels, we first select the right trees. Each tree is arranged in such a way that it does not overshadow another, ensuring efficient use of sunlight. Research indicates that olive trees need cooling to process the energy they accumulate and that humidity diminishes efficiency by diffusing sunlight. Therefore, we carefully consider the altitude of our groves, positioning OOVIVA orchards between 400m to 1000m above sea level, oriented towards the sea in valleys.

The Secret of Our High Polyphenol Values

As olive trees are evergreen, they produce antioxidant compounds for self-protection, using them within their immune systems. These antioxidants, known as polyphenols, are abundant in the tree's leaves and fruit, protecting them from harmful agents. Failure to provide proper care and spraying can diminish these antioxidants. For example, excessive pesticide use can reduce the tree's need for self-protection, resulting in decreased antioxidant production.

Harvest timing and processes require particular attention. Harvesting too early can result in inadequate aroma and oil content, while delayed harvesting can lead to rot and reduced aroma and antioxidant levels. As OOVIVA, we follow a unique approach with our Mobile Olive Oil Production Facility to preserve the beneficial contents of the olive oil obtained from olives harvested at the optimal time.

"To preserve high polyphenol content, we bring the olives to the facility, not the facility to the olives."

While common practice involves storing olives in cold storage to slow deterioration, our OOVIVA Mobile Olive Oil Production Facility processes olives harvested within two hours, ensuring optimal results.

Polyphenol Protection at Every Stage

Oxygen, heat, water, and light are the primary threats to olive oil. From the moment olives are collected until they are stored, they must be protected from these elements.

Scientific studies confirm that polyphenols, a source of antioxidants, dissolve in water. Therefore, washing olives with water, besides removing dirt, causes a dramatic decrease in antioxidant levels.

To preserve our high polyphenol content, we prefer and are developing machines and production techniques suitable for dry processing, rather than the common squeezing techniques used in the crushing, malaxation, and decantation stages.

Instead of traditional pressing techniques prone to water use, we prefer and develop dry processing methods and machines for crushing, malaxation, and decantation stages to safeguard our high polyphenol content. After obtaining olive paste, it is crucial to limit its exposure to oxygen. Among olive oil extraction processes, malaxation is the stage where the paste most encounters oxygen. Therefore, using vacuumed oxygen-free malaxation tanks developed from our R&D studies, we minimize contact between the paste and oxygen, aiding in preserving antioxidant and phenolic components efficiently while facilitating the efficient transfer of volatile aromatics to olive oil.

The final stage that olive oil production must undergo is the process of removing particles from the oil after it has been extracted. Currently, this process is typically done using filters and separators. However, research indicates that these methods can negatively affect the aroma and antioxidant levels within the oil. Even though separators can effectively clarify the oil, they inherently require the use of water, which can compromise the oil's quality. Therefore, instead of separators, we prefer accelerated sedimentation techniques. This choice allows us to minimize oxygen exposure and achieve the highest possible preservation of antioxidants and aromatic compounds without using water.

"Although the story of our olive oils reaching polyphenol levels of over 1000 ends here, our journey continues towards achieving even higher quality, healthier, and more aromatic olive oil."

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